Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Heading East...Then North

* Very nice weather is ahead, but we'll have to deal with some fog first...More fog is likely Thursday morning. But, after that, the weather will be warm and dry. Temperatures over the next few afternoons will reach the 70's, with ample sunshine. Overnight lows will be chilly, but not frigid - most places will see readings in the lower 40's.

* A New Team Member: Please welcome Ashley McDonald to the WTOK weather team. Ashley is a graduate student at Miss. State, she will be helping us out in the weather office on a fill-in basis throughout the holidays. Ashley brings a lot of personality to the table, be sure to check her out Thursday night and Friday.

* Northern Adventure: Tara and I are gearing up for a fun trip. We are flying out of Atlanta Friday morning and heading to Chicago. We plan on seeing the Windy City, then heading up to Green Bay, Wisconsin to watch the Packers play the Detroit Lions Sunday afternoon. Should be a blast! I will post some pictures from the trip here sometime next week. I will be back in the saddle Tuesday evening.

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