Saturday, November 04, 2006

Finally Freezing...

* With the last hourly weather update from Meridian's Key Field automated weather observation system, we saw something we haven't seen in months: freezing. 32 degrees was reported. I opened my front door to confirm that reading, and sure enough, it felt plenty cold to me (Safety Disclaimer: I do not endorse or encourage opening your door at 3 am...You never know who might be out there).

* 1/3. That's what I'm batting so far this Fall on forecasting freezing temperatures. I had predicted freezing or below twice so far this Fall, and had been wrong both times. I predicted 31 for this morning, and that may very well end up being a bit too warm...We'll see.

* Have a nice weekend..It's past my bedtime, so I'm going to hit the proverbial hay.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Chilly Temperatures

* Another cold night is ahead for Mississippi and Alabama. By tomorrow morning, many places will likely see readings fall into the lower 30's - many communities will likely touch the freezing mark for an hour or two early Saturday morning.

* Nice Football Weather: The weather will be fully cooperative for any and all football games of interest in the Southeast this weekend. But, it will be a bit on the chilly side - so bundle up if you're heading to Oxford, Auburn, Knoxville, Tuscaloosa, Jackson or Itta Bena.

* Sad News: Our weekend meteorologist, Lauren Raymer, lost her great-uncle this afternoon. Lauren will travel home this weekend to be with her family. If you'd like to drop her a quick note of support, her e-mail address is:

Just another reminder that life is short and precious - try to spend some time with family and friends this weekend!

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