Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Afternoon Update

* We are still on track for an outbreak of severe thunderstorms and possibly tornadoes tomorrow...Here are our latest thoughts on each major part of the event:

Timing: This is very tricky. We will see a period of storms after midnight tonight, and some of those could be briefly severe. Then, we will see a second, much stronger and more dangerous wave of thunderstorms. That second round should come between 8:00pm and 4:00am...I wish I could get more specific, but it's just too tricky right now. I'll narrow it down tomorrow morning.

Location: All of our area will be under the gun. I do believe the absolute greatest threat will be along and east of US Highway 45, especially into Alabama. But, every county in this area faces a substantial threat of severe weather, including tornadoes.

Threats: The big threat is tornadoes. Low-level parameters are very favorable for the development of tornadoes, so that's our chief concern. We will also watch for damaging winds and large hail.

Limiting Factors: The key factor will be sun. If the sun comes out tomorrow and really heats up the atmosphere, that will make the atmosphere more unstable.

* I will update the blog again tonight, and of course we will have constant updates tomorrow morning. On television, I am preparing the forecast that will air tonight on Newscenter 11 at 5, 6, and 10pm. Chris Whited will join you tomorrow morning at 6:00am for Good Morning Meridian...



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