Monday, February 26, 2007

Stormy Weather Returns Soon...

* After dealing with severe weather Saturday night, we are getting a welcome (but short-lived) break. The weather yesterday was absolutely beautiful, and more pleasant, sunny weather is in the cards for today, tomorrow, and most of Wednesday. Highs each day will reach the middle to upper 60's, with overnight lows falling into the upper 30's and lower 40's.

* Stormy Thursday? Computer model guidance shows a fairly robust moisture fetch coming off the Gulf of Mexico Wednesday night, with showers and thunderstorms becoming likely through Thursday morning into the afternoon hours. If the computer model guidance is correct, we could be dealing with a threat of severe thunderstorms Thursday. Unlike this last event, instability is forecast to be sufficient, with impressive wind speeds aloft and ample wind shear values.

* We have selected a new weekend meteorologist, but the face will not be new to you. Her name is Ashley McDonald; she is the same Ashley that helped us out on a temporary basis in December and January. Ashley hails from north Georgia, and we are excited to have her join the team. Her first weekend on-air will be the weekend of March 10.



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