Saturday, February 25, 2006


* As Josh mentioned, we are watching the concerns for a substainal rainfall event and the possibility of some flooding. A check of radar around 2:30am shows a large batch of rain north of Highway 84, or essentially our entire viewing area. Moderate to Heavy rainfall is occuring within this swath of rain. With already soaked ground and an additional 2 to 3" of rain over the next day or two, flooding may be a concern along rivers and low lying areas. We'll keep an eye on radar and let us know if you see any flooding. Remember the dangers that come with flooding. The main concern is driving. If you come across a flooded road, the best option is to find another route. Water is a highly underestimated force that can wash chunks of road away. These areas are hard to indentify if submerged in water. So let's just play things safe and take it easy on the roads this weekend as flooding and hydroplaning become a possibility

* Time to catch some sleep. It's been a long day and will be doing the Pregame show on 103.3 FM at 8am...always a fun way to start the weekend! Will post throughout the day Saturday as we watch the rain event unfold. Enjoy your weekend!


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