Friday, February 24, 2006

Flooding Concerns...

* Sure looks like we could be setting up for a potential flooding issue across parts of our area. Heavy rain will move in later tonight, and with the ground already wet, area rivers and streams will likely flood their banks. Rainfall amounts between now and 6:00pm Sunday could very well end up in excess of 2 or 3 inches!

* Because of the heavy rain forecast for tomorrow, the Meridian Downtown Association has cancelled tomorrow's schedule of Mardi Gras events. I think that's the right call - heavy rain is no kind of weather for a parade. Here's the story regarding that, courtesy of our friends at the Meridian Star:

* The rain will end late Saturday, and Sunday should be dry and cool - plenty of sunshine.

* Here are a few links about FLOOD SAFETY...If you live in a flood prone area, you need to prepare now for the possibility of flooding Saturday...

* Remember, the number one threat during floods occurs when you are in your car. If you can't tell how deep the water is, simply find another route! The roadway may have washed away. Also be aware of ponding on roadways - this can lead to hydroplaning. The best way to avoid hydroplaning is to slow down and pay close attention to the road...Seems like that's the best way to avoid a lot of bad things.


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