Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Still Talking Ophelia

* Been a while since we've posted much here, things have been very calm and tranquil in our corner of the world. Temperatures have been at or just below normal, and we haven't had a drop of rain all month. Another thing hasn't changed much, and that is the status and location of now Tropical Storm Ophelia...

* Ophelia's intensity has fluctuated up and down between hurricane and tropical storm status. But, the location hasn't changed too much at all - still drifting around off the southeastern coast of the U.S. The good news is that this will not impact us at all. Ophelia will flirt with the Carolina coastline, but should eventually begin a slow trek out to sea.

* Elsewhere, the tropics are rather quiet - not a lot going on. I certainly believe we are due a slow period in the tropics. But, hurricane season isn't over yet, so we'll continue to monitor things!


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