Patience...And Thanks
* BIG, BIG, BIG words of thanks to the brave men and women who are working literally around the clock to restore our power. I know it is hot, and I know we all want our air conditioning back up and operational...But, please be patient.Understand that this is not a typical situation where we have one or two trees down on a few lines. The entire power infrastructure of this part of Mississippi and Alabama is having to be rebuilt. From substations to large lines to the lines that feed your home, this is a very difficult and time-consuming task.
These men and women have families of their own, who they have left in order to undertake the massive task of restoring our power. They brave adverse conditions, with working environments that can threaten their lives.
They are faces and names that we'll never know and never see, but who are giving days and weeks of their lives to make OUR lives better. And, they often get little or no thanks for their, THANK YOU for what you do!
Remember, however long it took you to get your power was the same amount of time that someone was climbing poles to get you that power. So, be patient until it comes back on and be thankful to these men and women when it does. When you see a power lineman or woman, give them a kind word of thanks!
* Will be back at 6 AM for Good Morning Meridian...
What areas still dont have power? Any word from Mississippi Power on conditions of lines in Marion?
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