Friday, March 25, 2005

On the Road

* Heading to Scooba and Philadelphia today to get a few of our EMA friends signed up on IM with us. We had our first conference this morning, and I think it was beneficial to everyone! If you are an EMA official, please email me at and I'll get you the information.

* Still looks rough for us Saturday night and into early Sunday morning. Will post a complete update when I get back later this afternoon.

* With the possibility of severe weather near Easter, I'd just like to remind everyone of a disaster that struck almost 11 years ago to the day. It was Palm Sunday of 1994, in a church in northeast Alabama - not far from where I grew up. The children were putting on a special performance, and a tornado struck the church.

The roof collapsed, 20 people were killed and 92 were injured. Many of those killed were children, including the Reverend Kelly Clem's daughter. The most striking part of this horrible story is that they never knew it was coming. A tornado warning had been issued for their county more than 10 minutes prior to the tornado. Had they received that warning, things could have turned out dramatically different.

Let's learn from the past. Every church, home, and business in Mississippi and Alabama should have a NOAA Weather Radio. If you have ANY questions about getting a weather radio (where, how, how much, anything), PLEASE contact me via email at! NOW, not Saturday night or Sunday morning, is the time to prepare for severe weather!


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