Friday, March 25, 2005

Midnight Weather Snack

* Sorry for being tardy with this entry...It's laundry night! Yes, it's that time of year again, time to brush off the washer and dryer. My mother is cringing in her sleep right now I'd imagine. On to more serious items...

* The 0z (evening) run of the models has added more questions than answers. The NAM has cut our CAPE (instability) in half from the 18z (afternoon) run. Still, I get the idea we'll have two rounds of strong thunderstorms this weekend. Here's the scenario I see:

* Wave 1 is a round of clustered (multicellular and supercellular) thunderstorms Saturday afternoon and evening. Seems like the worst of it will be after sunset, especially here in east Mississippi and west Alabama. These storms will form in southwest Mississippi and northern Louisiana and track into our area. Please keep in mind that this could change between now and tomorrow morning.

* Wave 2 is more in question. The NAM keeps us dry Sunday, but the GFS indicates more storms. Dry air pushes in Sunday morning, which will bring the sun out. The sun will heat things up and add some instability. Combine this with a deep upper trough overhead, and I get the idea we see a few more storms Sunday.

* Bottom line is that we could see severe weather this weekend. The timeframe of concern is from around 2 pm Saturday lasting through Sunday. It appears that the thunderstorms will come in two waves. The main idea is to have a good source of weather information close by throughout the weekend. MAKE SURE your church has a NOAA Weather Radio. No school, church, home, or business in Mississippi or Alabama should be without one!


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