Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Severe Weather Threat Over

* The severe thunderstorms have now pushed eastward into central Alabama. The tornado watch will be cancelled in the next few minutes for our west Alabama counties, and we'll finally be able to formally put this event to bed. While it wasn't as bad here as we had once thought, we still saw some pretty inclement weather. Our neighbors in southern Alabama and Georgia weren't as lucky as us. Still receiving reports of major damage there, with numerous injuries and one fatality.

* Our focus now turns to this upcoming weekend. I certainly don't want to alarm anyone, but it has the potential to bring us more severe weather. It's a good ways out , and a lot could change between now and then.

Right now, model data supports more of a heavy rain threat, with a surface low tracking across northern Mississippi. This type of setup generally causes any severe weather to be confined to the Gulf Coast. However, I am skeptical of tonight's GFS solution. I am worried that the surface low will end up further north...in Arkansas or Missouri. That would enhance our severe weather prospects.

With it being Easter this Sunday, I want to give a heads-up that it could be stormy at times. Here's the latest GFS model output:

GFS Valid Midnight Sunday Night

Again, this suggests more of a heavy rain setup. We'll closely monitor it over the coming days.

The European computer model suggests a severe weather threat, but confines it to the extreme Southeast (eastern Alabama, Georgia, etc.). Here's that output:

European Valid 6 AM Sunday

We'll watch it closely...

* I love my job. But, I am worn out. Tomorrow's entry may be delayed until early afternoon as I catch up on some much-needed sleep. Thanks for bearing with me on that! Enjoy the sunny weather out there tomorrow!


At 11:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 6:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ya did good Josh...also its great to see one Meridian television station giving excellant weather coverage during severe weather.


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