Monday, April 02, 2007

Rain Chances & Cooler Weather

* Rain and thunderstorms will be possible tomorrow afternoon with a disturbance moving in from Texas and Louisana. There will be plenty of low level moisture in place. Some storms could be strong but I don't expect an organized severe weather event. Having said that I will note the Day 2 SPC outlook has a slight risk roughly from a Greenville-Greenwood-Starkville- Columbus (US Hwy 82 Corridor) and points to the north tomorrow afternoon and evening. Showers and thunderstorms will form along the cold front as it advances southward arriving along the I-20/US 80 corridor early Wednesday morning. Any strong storms should weaken as they drop south toward Central and East Central Mississippi and West Alabama.

* Nice shot of cool air in place behind the front as daytime highs drop from the middle 80s now to the lower and middle 60s by the end of the week. Overnight lows will be chilly with middle and upper 30s.

* Easter weekend: Another system will affect the Twin States on Good Friday so look for a slight chance of rain and thunderstorms. Saturday and Sunday look great with partly cloudy skies and cool highs in the 60s with overnight lows in the middle 30s. Sunrise services Sunday morning will be quite chilly.

* More on your forecast tonight at 10:00 on Newscenter 11 and tomorrow morning on Good Morning Meridian...



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