Sunday, June 11, 2006

Alberto is Born

* We have our first named storm of the year: Tropical Storm Alberto has formed in the southern Gulf of Mexico. Here is a satellite image of Alberto:

* This is an enhanced IR image, meaning that the colors are used to show temperature. The colder the temperature, the brighter the color - and colder temperatures mean higher cloudtops, which indicates a strong area of thunderstorms. So, bright colors = strong thunderstorms.

* The most notable thing from the satellite image above is that all of the thunderstorms are removed from the center of circulation. This is almost a guarantee that Alberto will not strengthen. Tropical systems need those thunderstorms to be located over the center of circulation in order to get organized properly and intensify. So, that is good news.

* Where it going? It sure looks like it will still turn northeast and strike the Florida coastline - somewhere between Apalachicola and Tampa. Even there, this will be more of a nuisance than anything else...A lot of rain, a little wind. We could use some of that rain, but we will likely stay on the dry side of the storm.

* More updates as things change...


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