Thursday, February 16, 2006

Warm Today, Cold on the Way

* I didn't mean for the title of this post to rhyme...

* On to the real business at hand, the WEATHER. Definitely a day of two distinct airmasses in America. Temperatures across the Southeast are quite warm - we're at 61 as of this writing, and will end up pushing 70-75 in most communities this afternoon. Spring fever will be in full force.

* But, wow, is that other airmass a different story...International Falls' current temp is -26 F. But, don't worry, if they are looking for warmth, they can make the quick drive over to Baudette, MN, where its a balmy -25 F.

* This cold airmass will eventually head south. No, we won't get THAT cold, but temperatures Saturday will likely hold in the 40's for much of the area. This cold air will likely bring a crippling ice storm to parts of Arkansas and Tennessee, with significant icing as far south as extreme northern Mississippi and Alabama. If you have travel plans this weekend north of a line from Greenville, Mississippi to Fort Payne, Alabama, be sure to check ahead.

* Heading out to run some errands, will post again this afternoon.


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