Tuesday, September 20, 2005

You Can Help; Rita Update

* I'm quickly becoming less of a fan of Monday Night Football. I loved it in college, but now that I'm having to stay at work until after midnight each Monday, it's not nearly as fun.

* Quick update - John Grisham has given $5 million of his own money to start a fund that will help the Mississippi Coast. In all of the horror of what has happened in New Orleans, I fear that the catastrophe on the Mississippi Gulf Coast is being forgotten. We can all help out our neighbors along the coast. Every dollar helps...


* Rita will soon become a hurricane. It's really hard to believe we are already at the "R" storm for this year. Pretty historic stuff. Rita will likely impact the Florida Keys in a significant way - especially Key West. Mandatory evacuations continue for the Keys - if you know anyone down there, give them a call and tell them to leave. The Keys are not a good place to be during a hurricane.

* Rita will eventually move into the central Gulf of Mexico, likely becoming a major hurricane as it makes its' journey westward. The prime area of concern according to the computer model guidance and our own thorough analysis of the weather pattern seems to be between Galveston, Texas and Morgan City, Louisiana. Obviously, a lot can change between now and then - this forecast is FAR from written in stone. Needless to say, everyone along the Gulf Coast should closely monitor the progress of Rita in coming days.

* Will post another update tomorrow around noon.


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