Sunday Night Musings...
* The Spurs vs. Pistons game is actually a close game tonight. As of 10:30 pm, the Spurs are currently leading Detroit by a score of 74-73, with around 6 minutes left in the game. I love close games, but I hope this one does not go into overtime. That would mean an even later night at work for me.* It was interesting to hear and see the commentators at the U.S. Open today. They kept talking about "having some weather a few miles away from the course." I couldn't help but wonder if they didn't look out the window and see the weather that was unfolding above the golf course. Just because it isn't raining doesn't mean it's not "weather." Funny stuff.
* The National Weather Service is providing "Weather Trivia" on their website, and I thought that might make for an interesting read on some of these slow summer days. Here's the trivia for June 20 (Monday):
On this date in 1997, extensive flooding of roads and streets occurred in Ackerman as well as Starkville.
In 1998, hail damaged many houses and automobiles in Ellisville, MS causing $50,000 in property damages.
I'll post some of these trivia items from time to time. Check the NWS Trivia site out for yourself:
NWS Jackson Weather Trivia
* Interesting note: The GFS is trying to hint at some sort of tropical system in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Trusting the synoptic scale models' forecast of any tropical system is asking for trouble, but it's interesting to see. Furthermore, the GFS is really the only model suggesting this scenario. But, we'll watch it. If this even were to happen, the system would probably move well east of here. Here's the output from the 18z (midday) GFS:
GFS Valid 1PM Tuesday
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