Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Odds and Ends...

* Good to see our rainfall deficit back to a more manageable figure - now just over one inch. If you remember, May was VERY dry; our rainfall deficit swelled to over five inches! This lack of soil moisture had us concerned about the possibility of a very hot and dry summer. But, with the rain we saw this weekend, we are back close to normal. That's the good news....

* The bad news is that the rain from the weekend caused some flooding problems in parts of the area, especially in west Alabama. Flooding has been reported along the Tombigbee River, in both Gainesville and near Demopolis. The Black Warrior River has also seen some minor flooding at Selden Dam. In Mississippi, the Noxubee River near Macon and the Upper Pearl River has also gone a little above flood stage. Thankfully, the flooding should continue to subside over the next few days of dry weather.

* A June Front? It's looking more and more likely that we'll see a brief break from the 90+ degree heat. Slightly cooler and drier air will filter into the Deep South for Friday and Saturday. Not a deep freeze, but any break we can get from the heat this time of year is certainly appreciated!


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