Monday, March 21, 2005

0z Models Coming...

* The 0z run of the major models continues to slowly become available. The 0z NAM brings a line of supercells to near I-55 by 6:00 tomorrow morning. This worries me that we might have to extend our timeframe out a little further. Right now, we'll stick with 2:00 AM - 10:00 AM, but don't be surprised if we have to extend that out into early Tuesday afternoon - especially for our west Alabama counties.

* I have to wonder about the chances of supercell thunderstorms across northern Mississippi tomorrow. The air aloft will be very cold, and they will be close to the surface low up there. I can see a scenario where there are two areas of supercells; one in central Alabama/Mississippi and another across eastern Arkansas, northern Mississippi and western Tennessee. I'm not saying that's what is going to happen -- just some food for thought.


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