Friday, April 13, 2007

Severe Weather Tomorrow:

* As I mentioned earlier areas north of US 80 in East Mississippi and West Alabama are under a sligt risk for tomorrow while areas south of US 80 and east of I-59 are under a moderate risk of severe weather for tomorrow.

* A warm front will work its way up through the Twin States as we go through the day today and will put the area under warm and unstable air for the tonight and tomorrow. My thought is (which will likely change as newer data comes in later today) that we will see two rounds of severe weather tomorrow. The first round will come early in the morning with isolated supercells and bow segments moving through the area. As we get later into the day and the front moves closer, a second round (probably a squall line or a mesoscale convective complex) will move into the area. The 6Z GFS run seems to nail my ideas with a decent mass of rain and thunderstorms entering our western viewing area around 12Z (1:00 PM CDT). The 6Z NAM model is showing the scattered activity during the morning hours as well as the afternoon event.

* I'll have more on the threat on Good Morning Meridian at 6:00 AM. I'll update this afternoon here on the blog after new data comes in and I'll have a more detailed forecast of the threat tonight on the evening newscasts.



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