Wednesday, July 05, 2006

God Bless America...

* First, I hope that each of you had a wonderful Fourth of July holiday. As a part of that, I hope that you were able to see the true meaning of the holiday. Similar to Christmas, I fear that many of us tend to get caught up in the 50% off sales, parades, and fireworks; we forget the actual meaning of the holiday we're celebrating.

* What a grand experiment our country has been! The idea that a place can exist where people can peacefully co-exist and pursue their own dreams and live their lives at their own discretion was a radical, "out in left field" thought back when our country was being formed. Now, we are the cultural and economic envy of the world. America isn't perfect, but it's certainly the only place I want to live.

* As great as America is, that greatness built of freedom comes at a great price. Independence Day should join Memorial Day and Veterans Day as a timely opportunity to remember those who have given their all to keep America free. God Bless our troops and their families. It seems a bit unfair that all we can give to repay your sacrifice is our admiration and appreciation. But, we offer both of those to the fullest.

* I have great fear about the polarization of America. We are seeing our country split in a way that can't be good for our future. We get so caught up in red states and blue states. Our states aren't red. They aren't blue either. Our states are red, white, and blue. We may not see eye to eye on many issues, but the bitter divisiveness plaguing our country is harmful at best and destructive at worst. It's okay to disagree without raising your voice. I could stand to follow this advice myself!

* Before I go, let's talk weather...Sure looks like rain chances increase a bit heading into Thursday. The best chance will come Thursday afternoon and into Thursday evening. We sure could use the rain: Meridian has had less than a half-inch of rain since May 11 - quite a dry spell!


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