Monday, June 26, 2006

We Lost a Friend Tonight

* WTOK is sad to announce the passing of our own Stan Torgerson. Stan was a true legend of the broadcasting business. From his call of the infamous "Immaculate Deflection" game to his no-nonsense newsroom demeanor, he was simply indescribable.

Stan was a frank and honest man. When he said something, he meant it. And, unlike some, he was not a man prone to flattery. Stan once approached me in the hall and said, "Josh, you have really improved at what you do." Simple words, but they meant a lot because of the man who spoke them.

He is best remembered as his time as the voice of the Ole Miss Rebels. This story was taken from an Ole Miss internet board, and I think it's a great example of Stan's innate ability to connect with listeners:

My favorite Stan moment may well have occurred when Georgia was playing the Rebels in Jackson in the early '70s. I don't even remember who had the ball, but Torgerson described the field position this way:

"The ball is at the one foot line. Actually, it's closer than that. It's the width of a ham sandwich from the goalline. Take out the tomato, take out the lettuce, go easy on the mayonaise, and THAT's how far away the ball is."

He was a truly great man...I believe I can say without a doubt that, right now, Stan Torgerson "... IS IN THE PROMISED LAND !!!!!!!"

* We'll miss you, Stan. And, Dorothy and the entire Torgerson family will remain in our prayers in the weeks and months to come.


At 2:37 PM, Blogger Joshua McKinney said...

Even though I worked with Stan for a short time, I really valued the time, effort, and commitment to everything he put is mind to. It showed me a lot about how to approach each day. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.

At 8:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I worked with Stan on and off for 4 years at WTOK. He really is a legend in Mississippi, and he will be sorely missed. Stan helped me on my way to become who I am today through hearty praise and sometimes biting criticism. I only hope he knew how much that meant to me. May God bless his family in this time.

At 10:43 PM, Blogger Renny Vandewege said...

I can only share the same thoughts as Josh and Jason. Stan's comments and suggestions were usually simple and short, but meant so much. It is an honor to have had the opportunity to work with Stan. My thoughts and prayers go to his family as well.


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