Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Busy Day...

* Been a busy time today. The morning featured a trip to Clarke County, where I visited with students at Quitman Upper Elementary. We had a BIG time! I can't wait to go back, they were really a great group of students. We'll show video of them tonight at 6 and 10.

* From there, it was back to Meridian. I was Lindsey Hall's guest at the Optimist Club meeting this afternoon. That was another good experience. Good food, and a great speaker! We learned about the latest developments in the cardiac services field here in Meridian. Interesting stuff.

* Now, it's back to WTOK, where I'm working on the forecast for the news tonight. Looks HOT! Tomorrow could see temperatures reaching the 90 degree mark...

* CHASE UPDATE: LDCT and the crew from South Alabama have joined forces in Nebraska City, Nebraska. They are evaluating the latest data and will soon make a decision about where they want to set up shop for what is shaping up to be a busy period tonight and tomorrow. I'll keep you posted on their adventures.


At 5:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LDCT is currently heading west towards Lincoln and then will head west in I-80 towards York/Grand Island


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