Tuesday, May 03, 2005

A Busy Night...

* A busy night for our friends in the news department. Tonight was election night for several local municipal primaries, so the newsroom was alive with activity tonight. This is the news equivalent of covering severe weather: a rapidly changing and often chaotic situation! After all of the severe weather coverage this Spring, it was nice to see someone other than our meteorologists being so busy. This was my first to observe from this perspective, I would imagine that it gets REALLY busy on the actual election night! Our news department did a great job covering things tonight.

For a full update on the local election winners, check out Newscenter 11 Election Coverage.

* Our weather will be pretty dull for the next 7-10 days. The most exciting thing to talk about will be the small prospects for rain tomorrow and Thursday. A weak system diving southeast towards the Gulf of Mexico will give us a shot at seeing a scattered sprinkle or shower. But, most places will probably stay dry.

* Warm weather on the way for the weekend. I would imagine we'll see 80 by Friday, with middle 80's likely by Saturday and Sunday.

* I want to give a big congratulations to our weekend meteorologist Derek Kinkade. He will be graduating from Mississippi State this weekend, and we are all very proud of him. If you would like to drop him a word of congratulations, his e-mail address is Derek.Kinkade@wtok.com. I'll post this message in most of the blog entries throughout the week.

* Time to get going on the 10:00 news...


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