Friday, April 08, 2005


* I'm writing from the Coastal Weather Research Center at the University of South Alabama. The university and their meteorology program are hosting SECAPS - Southeast Coastal and Atmospheric Processes Symposium. Here's the agenda for the evening:


* I'll try to update again tonight when things are over. We will hear from some very bright minds in meteorology - tropical weather expert Dr. Keith Blackwell, who teaches at USA; Dr. Frank Marks, the Director of the Hurricane Research Division of the National Hurricane Center, among others! I'm particularly looking forward to hearing from Dr. Loren White from Jackson State. Dr. White is speaking about the initial phase of the Mississippi Mesonet Project. Like I've written in this space before, a mesonet would be a HUGE step forward for Mississippi.

* Still concerned about severe weather late Monday into Tuesday. The worst of it could be a bit north of us, but it's too early to speculate. We'll keep you posted.


At 8:18 PM, Blogger Jim Myrick said...

Sounds interesting. Wish I could be there.


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