Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Downgrade to Slight Risk

* Looks like the SPC has downgraded us from a "Moderate" to a "Slight" risk. I think this is the right decision. We'll probably see some strong/severe storms tomorrow, but I just don't think we'll see enough to warrant a Moderate risk. Here's the new outlook:

SPC Day 1 Outlook

* Heavy rain will also create a risk of flooding. The good news is that the weekend of sunshine has allowed the ground to dry out somewhat, so this should help in keeping the flood problem at a manageable level. However, people who live near rivers and streams should be aware that flooding in those areas will be possible if we see thunderstorms moving over the same areas again and again (we call this training)

* Bed time, waking up early tomorrow for a few IM conferences...


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