Thursday, April 14, 2005

Odds and Ends

* The weekend still looks great: plenty of sunshine, warm temperatures, and all the weather on television you can handle - courtesy of Derek Kinkade. I'm off to the Alabama Gulf Coast for a few days of R&R; I'll get to visit with two of my favorite people: my grandparents. I've been really blessed to know some wonderful people, and both of them are towards the top of the list. It will also be nice to visit with my Aunt Pam and Uncle Phil - also great people. Throw in my girlfriend Tara, some good seafood, and plenty of sunshine...And things are certainly looking nice this weekend! Try to spend some time with your family this weekend.

* We seem to be in the midst of a pattern change. The storm track will begin shifting north with time, and it'll be summer before we know it. That does not mean our severe weather season is over; it simply appears that it will be taking at least a break before we get into the summer pattern. Our next chance of rain comes towards the middle of next week. That system will probably stay too far north to give us much trouble in the severe weather department. We'll watch it...

* Interesting story this morning from WFTV in Florida. Apparently TORNADOES can sometimes help out law enforcement:

What a strange world we live in...


At 3:37 PM, Blogger Jim Myrick said...

Nice seeing you last friday there bucko. Have a nice weekend.


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