Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Midnight Update

* The new Day 1 Outlook from SPC is out and includes almost all of Mississippi:

SPC Day 1 Outlook

* Thunderstorms are moving into west-central Mississippi as I write this. These storms are below severe criteria, but stronger thunderstorms will move in later in the early morning hours. The primary threat will be large hail and damaging winds.

* My thinking has remained mostly unchanged. The worst of it will come between 6:00 AM and 2 PM. The main limiting factor is a lack of moisture in the lower levels of the atmosphere. The dewpoint here is up to 50 degrees; it will continue to rise through the morning. Still, I doubt we'll get dewpoints much above 60. Our atmosphere just won't have enough instability to really get a widespread severe weather event. A few spotty wind and hail reports are likely, but the tornado threat appears to be rather small.

* Time for some sleep. My day began in my hometown of Jacksonville, Alabama, where I ate breakfast with a good friend early this morning, visited with some more close friends, then drove in and went to work. 12+ hour days are pretty common in our line of work!


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