Wednesday, April 11, 2007

5:15 AM Update:

(5:15 AM Radar Images - Click for larger views)

* Have noticed that there have been no warnings in the last 2 hours for the storms over Northwestern Mississippi. Strong thunderstorms continue in a line through Panola, Quitman, Tallahatchie, Sunflower and Bolivar Counties this morning with the main complex moving across that part of the state.

* Our severe weather threat will come from a warm front running roughly along US 84 as it moves northward today putting us in unstable air and the cold front off to our west sweeping into the area later today. Already the radar images above show new storms developing over Northern Louisiana and Southern Arkansas. Several shortwave low pressures along the warm front will help storms pop as we go through the day. The main threat today is large hail and damaging winds. All of our area here in East Mississippi and Western Alabama is under a slight risk from the SPC.

* More weather on Good Morning Meridian at 6:00 AM. I will blog some more after the morning news and our GMA weather updates... of course sooner if needed.



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