Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Global Warming: An Interesting Read

* The global warming alarmists should read this speech made by Sen. James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma)...


* It's a very long read, so I will post some of the highlights in this space.

"Since 1895, the media has alternated between global cooling and warming scares during four separate and sometimes overlapping time periods. From 1895 until the 1930’s the media pedaled a coming ice age.

From the late 1920’s until the 1960’s they warned of global warming. From the 1950’s until the 1970’s they warned us again of a coming ice age. This makes modern global warming the fourth estate’s fourth attempt to promote opposing climate change fears during the last 100 years.

Recently, advocates of alarmism have grown increasingly desperate to try to convince the public that global warming is the greatest moral issue of our generation. Just last week, the vice president of London’s Royal Society sent a chilling letter to the media encouraging them to stifle the voices of scientists skeptical of climate alarmism.

During the past year, the American people have been served up an unprecedented parade of environmental alarmism by the media and entertainment industry, which link every possible weather event to global warming. The year 2006 saw many major organs of the media dismiss any pretense of balance and objectivity on climate change coverage and instead crossed squarely into global warming advocacy."

* "One of the key aspects that the United Nations, environmental groups and the media have promoted as the “smoking gun” of proof of catastrophic global warming is the so-called ‘hockey stick’ temperature graph by climate scientist Michael Mann and his colleagues.

This graph purported to show that temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere remained relatively stable over 900 years, then spiked upward in the 20th century presumably due to human activity. Mann, who also co-publishes a global warming propaganda blog reportedly set up with the help of an environmental group, had his “Hockey Stick” come under severe scrutiny.

The “hockey stick” was completely and thoroughly broken once and for all in 2006. Several years ago, two Canadian researchers tore apart the statistical foundation for the hockey stick. In 2006, both the National Academy of Sciences and an independent researcher further refuted the foundation of the “hockey stick.” http://epw.senate.gov/pressitem.cfm?party=rep&id=257697

The National Academy of Sciences report reaffirmed the existence of the Medieval Warm Period from about 900 AD to 1300 AD and the Little Ice Age from about 1500 to 1850. Both of these periods occurred long before the invention of the SUV or human industrial activity could have possibly impacted the Earth’s climate. In fact, scientists believe the Earth was warmer than today during the Medieval Warm Period, when the Vikings grew crops in Greenland."

* Definitely some interesting observations...


At 5:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



There is no doubt the Earth is in a warming trend. All science points to this consensus.

There is also ample consensus that man has some impact on the environment. The debate is not whether or not we have an impact, the debate is what our impact is. The Earth doesn't need a delicate balance to survive - we do.

And, no matter how you feel on this issue, issues like pollution and conservation are things we must all be aware of. Our fossil fuel resources are finite, and so are a lot of our resources if we are not careful.

In fact, even though the Earth is not a closed system (thanks to the input of energy from the sun), until we develop Fusion energy or are able to harness solar energy we have to be careful with what we do because everything is connected. Even the smallest thing now could have a great consequence on our future generations.

At 11:13 AM, Blogger WTOK Weather Staff said...

Good debate is healthy...So, let's be healthy:

The graph you cite:


Notice that it's a temperature anomaly graph. That means that it's not the actual average global temp, but rather it's anomaly. So, what you've shown is that the Earth was actually cooler than average from roughly 1860-1980. Since then, according to that graph, the Earth has warmed.

However, despite this recent warming trend, the Earth is still not as warm as it was during the Medieval Warm Period - crops were grown in that period in Greenland.

Next, you talk about how I feel on the issue of global warming and how we must be aware of pollution and conservation. I, without hesitation, support reduction of pollution and the conservation of our resources.

But, I don't agree with the extremists who say we should "conserve" our way back to economic despair and human suffering.

Yes, we're creating more pollution than the human race was 10,000 years ago. We're also eating more and living longer than at any time in our existence. It's a trade-off. Should we minimize pollution? Sure, you bet. Should we cut our own throats to eliminate all pollution? Absolutely not. There is a happy medium that must be found, and it's my hope that we're in the process of finding it.

All of that being said, my main issue is the hype and hysteria out there right now about this issue. The mainstream media tries to tie any and every significant weather event into global warming, when the science just isn't there to support that hypothesis (the current hurricane season so far comes to mind).


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