Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Tropical Storm Chris

* The third named storm of the 2006 season has formed...Tropical Storm Chris. Chris is moving through the Caribbean Sea, and will bring gusty winds and tropical downpours to the Virgin Islands..

* Let's answer some questions about Chris..

* Where's it going? Looks like we'll see Chris in the southeastern Gulf of Mexico by early next week. Chris will likely continue across the Gulf, and our best guess right now is that the storm will eventually make landfall somewhere between Cameron, Louisiana and Corpus Christi, Texas late next week. Obviously, this is FAR from written in stone - so expect some changes in track forecast along the way.

* How strong will it get? Very tough question. If the storm moves over any significant land masses in the Caribbean, it will weaken significantly. Particularly if it hits Hispaniola - the mountainous terrain there would tear the structure of the storm to pieces. Water temperatures are very warm, and shear is forecast to be moderately light. So, there is the potential for Chris to become a hurricane.

* We'll keep watching...The National Hurricane Center is a great source of info:

National Hurricane Center


At 8:15 PM, Blogger All the best! said...

9:08pm - Tropical Storm Chris.
We just got another little sprinkle of rain here in the Simpson Bay Lagoon on the Dutch side of St. Maarten (St. Martin). Right now, it is very pleasant and calm.
Sheila, Bob & Ship's cat Bullwinkle
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At 6:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not complaining, but what happened to the moderately light wind shear?

At 6:22 PM, Blogger WTOK Weather Staff said...

Chris was located between two upper lows...This caused a small zone of "moderately light wind shear" to exist, and Chris flourished while in this small zone.

However, dry air dove in from the north, and became entrained into Chris' circulation. This, coupled with the fact that Chris moved out of this zone of "moderately light wind shear", caused the storm to weaken dramatically.

No complaints here either.


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