Thursday, July 13, 2006

Same Ol', Same Ol'

* The saying I hear a lot is "if you don't like weather in Mississippi, just wait 5 minutes and it will change." That saying works wonderfully during the Spring, Fall, and Winter, but during the dog days of summer, I've found it to be quite inaccurate.

* Our weather seems like it hasn't changed in a month. Of course, every day is just a little different, but these changes are all very, very subtle and can't be noticed in the sensible weather. Simply put, it's been very hot and humid for much of this week. That's the reason I haven't been posting to the blog much - there are only so many ways to say hot and humid.

* SUMMER SAFETY: I had a wonderful time visiting with the students at the Summer Health Safety Shakedown at Rush Hospital. The kids were great listeners, the teachers were very friendly, and hopefully everyone learned about weather safety and had some fun along the way.

* WEATHER: You guessed it: hot and humid continues. The nights will be oppressively muggy, with scorching heat and humidity each afternoon. If you're working outside, be sure to take frequent breaks and drink plenty of water. This is a peak time of the year for heat-related health problems, so please take it easy on yourself!


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