Friday, June 16, 2006

Wet At Times...

* It still looks like we'll be dealing with scattered to numerous showers and thunderstorms tomorrow...Will it be enough to wash out the State Games? Impossible to say. There will likely be some real downpours in some places tomorrow, it's just a matter of which city, and in some cases, neighborhoods, are affected.

* For now, we will stick with the idea that most places will get wet at some point tomorrow. Be sure to check out Lauren Raymer's forecast Saturday at 6 and 10pm for the latest on weekend rain chances.

* I sure had a great time visiting with my friends at AM 1010 WMOX this morning. I was even lucky enough to learn a bit about how water levels are expressed for lakes...That's an entry for another day.

* If you are driving and rain begins to fall, be sure to slow down. We heard the tragic story of a woman from Biloxi losing her life in an accident Friday afternoon, and we sure don't want any repeats. So, please slow down and be careful when rain begins to fall! Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of the woman who lost her life in the crash.

* Have a great weekend, and be sure to tell Dad how much you appreciate him!


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