Thursday, June 15, 2006

Four Years of Fun

* Today marks the fourth anniversary of my first ever TV broadcast...It happened right here at WTOK TV, on Newscenter 11 at Six on Saturday, June 15, 2002. It's hard to believe it has already been four years. The story of how I got my first job is a pretty interesting one.

I was hired here to do weekend weather the summer after my sophomore year in the meteorology program at Mississippi State. I had been searching around Starkville for a summer job; I had applied at movie rental stores, grocery stores, golf courses, you name it. But, I had waited a bit too late to find a summer job - most all of them were already taken by people who had applied back in April or May.

It, like most June days in Mississippi, was a very hot affair. So, I rode to the weather building, Hilbun Hall, to see a friend of mine. I talked to her about my job search and lack of success. She was a good listener as I complained and moaned and groaned. I was getting desperate, the bills were piling up and I had no way to pay them!

I walked out of her office, and only a few moments after I left, the phone rang in the lobby. I didn't know it at the time, but the phone call was none other than former WTOK Chief Meteorologist Wes Wyatt. He was looking for someone to do weekend weather, and it just happened that my friend answered the lobby phone! Talk about being in the right place at the right time.

So, she recommended me to Wes, and Wes called me later that week. I sent him a tape, and John Johnson called me a couple of days later. I came down to Meridian, interviewed, and was hired. God sure has a funny way of making things happen!

Here I am, four years later, and still having fun doing the weather in Meridian. I love my job, and I'm glad to have the opportunity to serve this community!


At 9:59 AM, Blogger Joshua McKinney said...

Come on now, you can't give props to the weekender that left.... LOL!



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