Wednesday, March 29, 2006

11 1-Liners for Wednesday

* Forgive the pause in our 11 1-Liners segment - been very busy this week with meetings and working on new projects...

11 1-Liners for Wednesday

- More sunshine today than we were thinking.

- This has warmed us up - 72 right now in Meridian.

- I've heard no complaints about that.

- Showers/storms are likely Friday.

- We do not anticipate any severe weather.

- We will include very small rain chances for the weekend.

- Don't curse me; the weekend won't be a washout.

- What a snowstorm over the Rocky Mountains!

- Thundersnow is possible in Colorado, 13-20" is expected.

- I've seen thundersnow once, in Alabama during March of 1993.

- Have you seen thundersnow? Share with us by leaving a comment...

* As mentioned in the 1-Liners segment, we are going to include a small chance of a few showers Saturday and Sunday. The latest computer model guidance is a bit more sluggish with the front, stalling it out just north of here. That will be enough for a few showers here and there, mainly on Saturday.

* I hope you are enjoying the Podcast - I have received great feedback on it so far, and we appreciate you taking the time to listen. If you haven't tried it out, scroll down and give it a listen...


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