Friday, August 12, 2005

Strong Storms

Sorry to be a little tardy on the post...was handling a few TV duties...

A severe thunderstorm rolled through the Meridian and Lauderdale County areas the past hour bringing heavy rain and flooding to the area. We have had reports of hail across the area including golf ball sized hail at Bonita Lakes Mall. The Severe Thunderstorm Warning was dropped and it appears as if the storms are beginning a downward trend now that the sun is setting.

The storm has moved south and is in Clarke County right now bringing heavy rain, frequent lightning, small hail, and gusty winds to our friends in Quitman. We expect these storms to continue weakening but will watch the radar through the rest of the evening!

Unfortunately, the severe weather has hampered my plans to attend the rodeo as part of WTOK Night. I will, however, try to make it out there tomorrow evening!

If you watched our 6pm news, you probably noticed a few changes. Lightning hit either on or very near the building and it knocked down a whole wall of televisions, including our weather graphics system. Our great engineers rigged things up quickly so we could at least show the graphics, albeit on full screen! I certainly appreciate their help!


At 8:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are there any known reports of damage to cars from hail?

At 9:21 PM, Blogger Renny Vandewege said...

I have not heard yet. I would anticipate no damage to cars due to the fact that temperatures are so warm this time of year that the hail was probalby very soft. I will pass along if I hear anything...

At 10:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok thank you

At 10:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems like these weather problems always develop while Josh is gone...maybe he was responsible

At 10:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Josh was responsible.


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