Saturday, July 09, 2005

4:00 pm CDT Dennis Update

There is an outer band of thunderstorms in Clarke and Washington County, AL that will be working its way into Chocktaw County and Wayne County shortly. We can expect up to an inch of rain in an hours time with this line as it moves to the northwest at 25 mph. This could enhance flooding potential for these areas as the main rainfall associated with Dennis moves through tomorrow. This will also loosen up the tree roots so the potential for fallen trees is increased with more rainfall.

The latest numbers are in for Hurricane Dennis at 4:00pm CDT. They are:

Location: 25.6 N 84.6 W

Pressure: 958mb

Movement: NW @ 15 mph

Winds: 105 mph...gusts to 125 mph

The NHC official forecast track has continued to slightly shift west, with landfall expected sometime in early evening Sunday near Gulf Shores, AL. We are still thinking that the storm could make landfall in the MS/AL border to Mobile Bay area before moving our direction inland. The NHC has Dennis moving over Butler, AL with sustained winds of 75 mph and higher gusts, still a hurricane. Of course where Dennis moves inland will be dependent upon where it tracks in the meantime. Regardless, we do think that we will feel potentially catastrophic effects.

Some things to remember:

* We could be facing a widespread and lengthy power outage. Time to prepare:...Have enough non-perishable food to last a few days....Stock up on bottled water....Have plenty of flashlights and batteries....If you operate a generator, be sure to NOT use it indoors! This is not safe......Charge your cell phone and fill your gas tank....If you live in a mobile home, make arrangements to leave by late Sunday morning....Do not make plans to be on the roads late Sunday/Monday morning.

* There is also the potential for some flooding problems, so if you live in a flood-prone area, keep a wary eye on water levels. The safest bet is to make plans to spend Sunday night with a friend or relative on higher ground.

* We will also have to keep an eye out for tornadoes, mainly along and east of the center of circulation.

Stay tuned to WTOK online as well as our TV broadcasts at 6 and 10 pm tonight for the latest on Hurricane Dennis.


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