Friday, July 08, 2005

Watching Dennis...

* Dennis continues as a powerful Category Four hurricane this morning, and will soon pass over Cuba and emerge back into the southeastern Gulf of Mexico.

* Model guidance continues to offer up differing solutions on the eventual track. The NHC track takes Dennis inland near the AL/FL state line around 8 pm Sunday, and moves it to a point on the AL/MS state line just northeast of Meridian by 8 am Monday. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a little sooner than that.

* We should begin preparing now for the potential of widespread wind damage and flooding across our area. At this time, the greatest threat would likely be over west Alabama, but it's too early to write that in stone. Falling trees will likely bring down power lines in many areas, so prepare now for power outages.

Here are some tips for preparing:

* Avoid driving during the peak of the storm. Falling trees are a threat to both power lines and vehicles.

* Prepare now for the possibility of power outages lasting a few days. Have non-perishable foods, batteries, flashlights, and bottled water supplies that are enough to last two or three days.

* If you live in a flood prone area, now is the time to make arrangements to leave. Also, if you live in a mobile home, now is the time to arrange to spend the night somewhere else Saturday night.

* Today is the day to prepare. Secure anything outside that might be blown away in high winds (patio furniture, children's toys, etc.).

* Keep in mind that stores will likely become crowded late tonight and tomorrow. So, today is the best day to prepare for the potential affects of Dennis.

* If you have any questions about preparation for Dennis, feel free to e-mail me at! Once the track of Dennis becomes more apparent, I will post an entry detailing the exact threats to our area and when we can expect those threats. I will likely post that late tonight or early tomorrow.


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