Monday, March 28, 2005

Warm and Dry...For Now

* Wrapping up the 10:00 News as we speak...Jim Butch, the Warning Coordination Meteorologist from the NWS in Jackson, is heading out to Smith and Jasper counties tomorrow morning to inspect possible tornado damage. I will post the results of those surveys when they are available.

* Wade Phillips promised me a shiny nickel if we hit 80 on Tuesday (on the 5:00 news). I hope we get to 80; every nickel helps (especially with the price of gas these days!).

* Still watching the threat of severe weather Thursday. Several parameters indicate the possibility of a substantial severe weather threat. However, the latest run of the NAM model keeps our instability rather low. If that should change, we will definitely be dealing with another round of severe thunderstorms by late Thursday. I have a hunch that this one is one to watch closely...And that's exactly what we'll do.

* It was nice to visit with my friend Matt Settineri today. Matt is a very bright student at Lamar. He has a deep interest in meteorology and visited with me this afternoon as I put together our various forecast products. I look forward to having Matt around here more often and wish him the best in a very bright future.


At 11:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I appreciate the opportunity for Josh letting me come spend time with him. I learned so much from him today. Tonight Josh and I are discussing this Thursday’s severe weather threat. Its great being able to have access to weather models and compare things we both understand. I hope to learn so much more from Josh and hope to become more involved with WTOK in the near future. Thanks again Josh.


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