Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Slight Risk South

* The Storm Prediction Center has placed parts of southern Mississippi under a "Slight Risk" for severe thunderstorms. Again, these storms will be elevated over a cool layer of air at the surface. The main threat will be small hail, and will generally be along and south of U.S. Highway 84. Here's the text and graphic of the Slight Risk:

1630Z Day 1 Outlook

* Interesting weather across northern Alabama this morning. Evaporative cooling led to some sleet across the Tennessee Valley, in places like Athens, Madison, and Huntsville. It wasn't a big deal and quickly melted, but just a reminder that it's still Winter in some nearby parts of the world!


At 3:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to put in a request for
five (5) rain free days next week.


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