Friday, February 18, 2005

What is a Blog?

Technology is really amazing stuff. With the increased presence of the internet, there are all kinds of new and exciting ways to get more information out to people.

The basic idea is to use the internet to keep an online "log" or journal. Except, because its on the world wide WEB, we call it a WEBLOG. Someone got the bright idea to shorten it to "Blog." So that's where we stand today.

By putting our thoughts in a format where we can update them at our convenience, we won't have to work under any deadline or format restrictions. We can post on any topic at any time! The end result for you will be better and more interesting weather content, even on days when the weather isn't very active.

We will keep an archive of blog entries. So, if you miss a post, you can go back and check up to see what we were thinking on that particular day.

I hope you enjoy the Newscenter 11 Weather Blog. Feel free to click "Comments" below and let me know what YOU think!

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