Sunday, April 15, 2007

Deadly Tornado in South Carolina

While our area was fortunate in that there were no deaths or injuries from the storms on Saturday, the same can not be said tonight in South Carolina. At about 8:35 this morning, an EF3 tornado (winds 136-165mph) struck just east of the town of Mulberry in Sumter County, SC. One person was killed and three others were injured. Several mobile homes were destroyed, and reports indicate that those people killed and injured were likely in the mobile homes when the tornado struck. The tornado was on the ground for 14 miles.

This is a painfull reminder that mobile homes are not a safe place to be during thunderstorms. With the walls of a mobile home not as structurally strong as a house, they can easily be destroyed. If a severe thunderstorm approaches your area while you're in a mobile home, go to a house or building that provides better shelter.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of those in Mulberry as tonight and the days ahead will be quite difficult for them.


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