A Warm Farewell
* I have used this blog to communicate weather information, general thoughts, musings, and just about anything on my mind over the past two years. Today, I am blogging here for the last time. I have accepted a position at WXIA-TV in Atlanta, Georgia, and tomorrow is my last day here at WTOK. Before I go, I'd like to share some thoughts and words of thanks.* You have invited me into your homes every evening for the past couple of years, and that is an honor and a privilege I will deeply cherish. You have also trusted me and the WTOK team during times of severe weather, and that is a tremendous responsibililty that we have tried to work tirelessly to fulfill. Thank you for your time and your trust.
* I have had the opportunity to work with some truly special people since I started here in 2002. While I do not wish to name them for fear of accidentally leaving someone out, know that there are and have been some magnificent people working alongside me at WTOK. It's my belief that the level of weather coverage at WTOK has improved since 2001, and I am thankful that I could have some small part in that. Any meager success that I have enjoyed here over those years has been due to the excellent group of people with whom I've had the honor of working. Thank you for your commitment and help along the way.
* Over the last two years, I have spoken to thousands of school children. Officially, I was an invited speaker, instructed to provide the children with information. But, I found that I usually got as much or more out of those visits than did the children. Spending time with young people is the surest way to a big dose of perspective and appreciation for what is truly important in life. Again, I would be remiss to try to name everyone. So, thanks to every teacher and student along the way; you have certainly enriched my life.
* A grandiose "farewell" speech is not my style - I just felt it would be appropriate to share a few words of thanks. I hope you've gotten as much out of this blog as I have in writing it. My personal e-mail address is jpjohnson93@gmail.com and will not change. Feel free to drop me a line anytime.
Best Wishes and God Bless!
As one of the people who had the pleasure working with you, I must first say congratulations. You are making one heck of a move to big market life and will thrive on it. Atlanta doesn't know what they are getting ;)
Second, I must say thank you. I wouldn't be anywhere right now if it weren't for a simple Instant Message a few years ago saying "Hey man, you want to apply for the weekend job?" I learned most of everything I know from you and will never be able to thank you enough.
Peace up, A Town Down (apparently thats the lingo over there). Take it by storm and show them how to dominate the opposition on a daily basis.
Renny Vandewege
Good luck in Atlanta and thanks for your professionalism.
Good luck Josh! You have been a great asset to Meridian and the surrounding areas for 2 years and you will be missed greatly. Take care my friend.
You will be missed. I hope that Chris will keep us informed as well as you have in the past.
Good Luck in Atlanta!
I truly log on to the blog everyday to get my weather update.
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