Thursday, March 01, 2007

Some Relatively Good News

* While it's hard to say this is completely "good" news, it is good to hear that the death toll has been revised down. Earlier, it was reported that 15 people were killed at the high school in Enterprise. Now, CNN is reporting that 7 were killed in the town of Enterprise, 5 of those at the school...

* I have also received word of three people killed in Georgia. Another was killed in Missouri. These are sobering reminders of why we must take threats like today seriously.

* Let's talk about our forecast...It looks much improved. Pleasant, albeit cool, weather is ahead for the weekend. Highs on Sunday may stay in the lower 50's, with Sunday morning temperatures in the upper 20's.

* Be sure to join us tomorrow at 5 and 6 LIVE from Newton...



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