Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Busy Times...

* This has been a very busy week in the world of weather, despite the tranquil weather. Monday morning, it was off to Enterprise, where I visited with Mrs. Tanner's group (and others) at Enterprise Middle School. They were a wonderful group of kids!

Today, I spent most of the afternoon at the services for former Congressman Sonny Montgomery. One of my chief regrets is that I never had the opportunity to meet the retired Congressman...But, the services were beautiful and touching - a great tribute for a man who gave so much for our people and our military.

Tomorrow (Wednesday) will be busy as well. I'm having some rather painful dental issues, so it's off to the dentist tomorrow morning at 7:30 am. I have a school visit scheduled for tomorrow at 12:45 pm at Crestwood Elementary in Meridian.

I have no school visits Thursday, but the Technical Difficulties WTOK softball team will be in action Thursday night at 7pm, out at Sammie Davidson. If you're in the neighborhood, come out and say hello...

On Friday, I get the opportunity to spend some time with my friends in Ms. House's class over at T.J. Harris Elementary...They are a GREAT bunch of kids; they are among my all-time favorite classroom groups. They are having a BARBEQUE on Friday, so I'm looking forward to that for sure...

I work the weekend shift this weekend as well...Perhaps I'll get some rest in June.

ON that note, I should mention that our own Renny Vandewege has had a GREAT week. Last weekend, Renny received his M.S. degree in Geosciences from Miss. State...Then, he was informed that he has landed a job as a weather producer at KCTV-5 in Kansas City, Missouri...We are obviously very proud of Renny...This is a great opportunity for him to work in a great weather market that is also much closer to his home of Nebraska...


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