Monday, February 20, 2006

Monday Morning

* Light freezing rain continues across northernmost parts of our area - roughly along and north of Highway 16. Icing of roads has been a big problem across the northern part of Mississippi and Alabama tonight. Numerous accidents have been reported in Vicksburg, Greenville and many other communities. If you have early morning travel plans going north of here or west of Jackson, be sure to take it easy and drive carefully.

* The temp in Meridian is 36 as I write this, but I would imagine there could be a few pockets of freezing temperatures in low-lying rural areas. So, for the sake of caution, please watch for icy spots on bridges and overpasses across all of our area. Most, if not all, roadways will be only wet south of Hwy 16, but let's err on the side of caution as we drive to work later this morning.

* A mesonet station in Neshoba reported a temperature of 30 degrees just after 1am, so that validates the threat of light ice accumulations along and north of Highway 16. So, if you live in Philadelphia, Noxapater, Louisville, Macon, Brooksville, Crawford or any other community north of Hwy 16, please watch for slick spots this morning. This includes Noxubee, Winston, northern Kemper and northern Neshoba counties.

* Time for a quick nap...We'll be keeping a watch on things, and Charles Daniel will be in at 6:00 am with the latest weather and road info on Good Morning Meridian.


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