Saturday, February 11, 2006

2:00 AM Update

* It sure looks like the chance of any changeover tonight is gone. The rain is sweeping out of the area quickly, and temperatures are still in the 40's. But, our chance of seeing a few flakes fall is not completely dead...

* A deep pocked of cold air aloft (we often refer to these as upper air troughs) will move through tomorrow. This, combined with some residual moisture from the departing surface low, should be enough to get a few snow showers to develop. We don't anticipate much accumulation, but if one of the heavier showers sets up over you, it may be enough to turn the grass white. It doesn't look like a big deal, but we all know that snow can offer up surprises some times...We'll watch it.

* Interesting drive for me tonight. I drove from Meridian to Mobile, Alabama after the 10 pm news to visit my girlfriend Tara for Valentine's weekend. It rained the entire way, and I even saw some lightning in Waynesboro and Yellow Pine, Alabama. Also interesting was crossing the cold front as I drove southward. The temperature, as measured by my car thermometer (usually accurate +/-2 degrees) in Citronelle, Alabama was 49 degrees. Just 20 miles south, in Saraland, Alabama, the car thermometer showed 57 degrees. I also saw very vivid lightning upon my arrival into the city of Mobile.


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