Thursday, March 10, 2005

March Madness

* Was great to eat out at Jean's Red Door Barbeque. Great stuff! They took my picture and put it on the wall, which will probably frighten any kids hanging out there. But, at least it will keep away pests. Thanks for the kind hospitality in Meehan!

* College basketball is not my favorite sport -- that distinction belongs to college football! But, March Madness may be my favorite sporting event. It's cranking up now, with Championship Week on ESPN (all of the conferences play their tournaments). Then, we'll take a few days off and the "Big Dance" will get underway. Can't wait for those first-round games.

* I HAVE to get some sleep tonight. I'll be working for Charles tomorrow morning, so I'll get about 4 hours of sleep tonight. If I look like a zombie tomorrow on Good Morning Meridian, bear with me.

* The going forecast seems to have everything handled. Warm and dry for much of the weekend, with an outside chance of a shower late Sunday night. Next week is as muddy as a puddle, with a stalled front meandering around us and shortwave troughs moving along that front. Those individual shortwaves kick up showers, and they are almost impossible to time correctly. For now, we'll simply broadbrush Tue-Thu of next week with some small rain chances.

* Apologize for any problems posting comments or accessing the blog. Apparently, our host site is having some server issues. We'll try our best to resolve the issue.


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