Saturday, February 26, 2005

Watching Next Week...

* 12z Computer Model guidance has completed, and there are some very interesting developments since last night. Most of which concern the possibility of a mid-week winter weather threat across the Deep South. Here's the latest:

* Both the 6z (midnight) and 12z (6am) runs of the GFS show a shortwave bringing precipitation to the lower Mississippi Valley, with cold air in place. Here are the two frames showing this:

6z GFS Valid Midnight Tuesday Night

12z GFS Valid Midnight Tuesday night

* IF it was only the GFS showing this, I would probably not even mention it. But, there are other models out there that support the possibility of some wintry precipitation across the Southeast. But, the NOGAPS model and the UKMET model both support this solution to varying degrees. So, I believe the possibility is worth a mention.

* The NAM, generally our most accurate model, does not show any precipitation, wintry or wet. So, you can see the difficulty in deciding in which model to believe and base your forecast. Please understand, I am NOT forecasting snow for us. I'm just mentioning the possibilities at this point. If the models continue to better come together on a solution, then I will amend the forecast accordingly. But, for now, let's just stick with it being an interesting possibility. We'll watch it...

* I am willing to guarantee a turn to much colder weather by late Monday and especially Tuesday. Tuesday will be a very cold and blustery day. Again, I know you have seen forecasts from other sources calling for temperatures in the 60's on Tuesday. And again, I still believe those forecasts to be way off. But, we'll see. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


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